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PerformWrite Documentation


Specializing in:
  • Business Processes & Procedures

Your processes and procedures must be well documented. From a quality perspective, we want to ensure that your documents "say what you do". This makes it easier then to "do what you say".

  • Operations & Maintenance

Straigtforward instructions. Clear and concise language. We strive for total usability in your O&M documents.

  • Internal and External Public Documentation

There are many times when you must communicate to customers, employees and perhaps to the media. One voice should be heard. And it is our belief that it is always best to tell the truth...it's easier to remember what you said later on.

  • Physical Security and IT Security Documentation

Security of your facilities, equipment, proprietary information and most importantly, your people is the goal of a documented security plan. Whether a physical security plan or emergency action plan, or a NIST compliant IT Security Plan, your business partners and staff will thank you if the worst should happen. Be prepared.

  • Business Continuity Plans/Contingency Plans

Do you have an alternate work site? Can your employees work from there or from home? Have you tested your backups to ensure you can restore your critical systems? Have you had a functional exercise, tabletop exercise or even a fire drill in the last year? Your continuity of operations planning and contingency planning can help you stay in business if and when disaster strikes. Your business, customers and employees are depending on you.

  • Presentation and delivery

Are you comfortable in front of a camera with a microphone in your face? Can you or your staff facilitate a tabletop exercise? What is the appropriate presentation for an audience of electricians, IT specialists, environmental engineers, board members or a planning commission? Every situation may be different, but a solid grounding in basic communication skills will allow you to say exactly what you should, when you should.

Quality of Documents and Information

Say what you do ... Do what you say

As with web sites, your techincal documents and presentations should be clear, concise and easily understood and navigated. Your business proposal, technical report, or user documentation is not creative writing...it is technical writing. And, it just may be rocket science. Let us help you get to the point and say what you do, so you can truly do what you say.

Your documentation, whether paper-based or online, is a reflection of your business and your products or service. You may have the best service or product on the market, but, if your documentation is not easy to understand and informational, or your customers can't find what they need, your business may suffer.

Documents must be Usable to be Valuable to your bottom line. That is, the reader must be able to:

  1. Obtain your documentation

  2. Find the right information in your documentation

  3. Understand and Use that information correctly

How can we approach total usability?

  • With Clear, Concise writing of user documentation, proposals, and procedures.

  • With the use of intuitive presentation of tables of contents, informational tables, pointive graphics, and complete indexes.

  • By offering your documents in several formats for the same information (i.e., paper, online, CD-ROM).

  • By conducting Usability Testing - - observing the document in use and improving it. (Validation and Verification)

What can PerformWrite do for you?

  • We'll revise and improve your existing paper or electronic documentation by reviewing and creating new versions in the existing format.

  • We'll develop or update your professional corporate style guide for all your existing documentation. You can then be assured that all new documentation will have the same corporate identity.

  • We'll convert your existing documentation into web-ready formats, which may be the ever-popular Adobe Acrobat PDF format or HTML format for direct placement on the web.

  • We'll create a CD/DVD or web site containing all of your policy, sales or investor documentation that may be just what you need to distribute your documents directly to your employees, customers or stockholders.



Writing Help!

Below are some resources we
use to keep current on writing, grammar, editing and technical writing areas of interest.

Purdue Online Writing Lab

Society for Technical Communications

NIST Computer Security
Resource Center

U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual


PerformWrite © 2017