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PerformWrite Web Site Design


Your web site

Your company's presence and Corporate Image on the web may mean the difference between getting that contract or making that sale and perhaps NOT getting that contract or making that sale.

Your professional, easy to navigate and informative web presence WILL make a difference in your bottom line.

What makes a good web site?

  • We want to get your information or qualifications out on the internet as professionally and as quickly as possible. We can always improve the site with our regularly scheduled updates adding any "bells and whistles" you find attractive.

  • We make it easy to navigate your site. By inserting appropriate and conspicuous links to your most important information. Your customers, members, and partners can get the information they need with just a couple clicks of the mouse.

  • Update, Update, Update! Your page should be reviewed at least once a month to ensure that only timely and accurate information is provided to your site visitors and potential customers. Let's ensure that they want to come back to your site!

What can PerformWrite do for you?

  • We'll maintain, update and improve your existing web site by contacting you at least monthly for your latest information. Then, we'll place the updated information onto your site at the appropriate locations.

  • We'll create a professional and easy to navigate corporate, business or personal web site for a one-time fee. You can then update it regularly yourself if you like, or contract with us to maintain and update your site as needed.

  •  If you need a domain name and a place to host a site, we can help with that too.

What has PerformWrite done for others?

Kona Reef Condo is a simple, 3-page web site for a rental condo in Kona Hawaii. PerformWrite produced most of the graphics from photographs we scanned. We use Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Word and FrontPage to design, and now maintain the site.

Condo4KonaReef.com is another simple, web site for a rental condo in Kona Hawaii. Grinstead Consulting edited the photographs for the web. We again used Paint Shop Pro and FrontPage to design, and now maintain

BigKahunaCeramics is an artist's web site where he can share his ceramics with his audience.

Theta Upsilon Chapter Alumni of Theta Kappa Epsilon, Sacramento

DCXC.org Del Campo Cougars High School Cross Country and
DelCampoTrack.org The Cougars High School Track and Field

NMRInstitute.com National Marshmallow Roasters Institute

MarbleFree.com Don't lose your marbles - Find them here

PennyPickerUpper.com Find a Penny, Pick it up and All day long you'll have Good Luck!

And this PerformWrite.com web site, too.

A web site is but a resume for your business. Your personal resume, in one page generally, should quickly allow someone to know that they should consider you for the job, and offer an interview.

Similarly, your web site should quickly show your customers or business partners what you can do for them.

PerformWrite © 2013